Sourcing Financial, Human and Intellectual Capital

“If you can?, said Jesus. Everything is possible for one who believes” 

Mark 9:23

This website has three purposes. In each I give all glory and honor to God:

  •  The ABOUT tab describes my professional and personal life journey.
  • The SERVICES tab identify some areas of specialization that I still consult with clients.
  • The PROPHETIC tab is the most important, declaring what God is calling me to do in my remaining days. (Requires permission to access)

There are many things I cannot help you with.  But this is what I am really good at . . .

I connect need with resource,

utilizing the significant networks and relationships

 God has entrusted to me.

I can offer you three areas of engagement which may benefit your organization or ministry:

  1. Transformative Change – Integrating your life mission/purpose with your business planning/goals.
  2.  Resource Acquisition – Innovative methods of acquiring money, people and information.
  3.  Global Sourcing – Access to producers and suppliers of ALMOST anything on every continent!  🙂 

Books Authored or Co-Authored by Ralph

Available on all major platforms including Amazon

Please contact me to discuss your inquiry


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