Dr. Ralph Plumb
God has gifted me to be a connector, catalyst and conduit for human, intellectual and financial capital from an extensive network of personal and professional relationships in the 100 countries I have been privileged to experience.
Current Professional Engagement
- Caleb Fund for At-Risk Children – a Kingdom alliance https://thecalebfund.com
- Founder/CEO https://globalmedpartners.com
- Investor/Partner https://biohappyfarms.com
Previous Professional Experience
Few of us consider our mortality with sober foresight and intention. Scripture tells us: “life is a fleeting shadow” (Job 14:2); “the span of my life is but a breath” (Psalm 39:5); “”What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a while and then vanishes” (James 4:14). Not one of us can foretell what will come our way. In life we experience both joy and pain, success and failure. We have times of wonder, but also periods of wandering. Thankfully, we were given intimate access to a relationship with God through His son Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Our heavenly Father deeply loves each of us! He is especially fond of children, and His heart breaks for those who are “at-risk”. As a 19-year-old I asked Jesus to live in my heart and dedicated my life to serving children, women and men who are vulnerable and “at-risk”. From what, you may ask?
SAMPLE OF Clients Served